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AI-External Speaker Muter (ESM)
AI-External Speaker Muter (ESM)
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Eliminates the scanners background audio from being retransmitted by the First Responder, Ham, CB or other two-way radio, or having to reach over to turn the volume down on the scanner when transmitting.
Our Price: $99.95

Stock Status: In Stock

Product Code: 56-531907

External Speaker Muter (ESM) Is a Two-Way Radio Transmit Sensing External Scanner Speaker Muting System

The ESM is an inline current sensing device that detects the current flow change (that is set by the trap set) through the main power lead feeding the two way radio, when a two-way radio transmits. When the (PTT) push to talk switch is pressed (keyed and held) to transmit, an over current draw (set by the trap set) is detected by the ESM causing the scanners external speaker to mute. The scanners external speaker remains mute for an additional three seconds after the transmit key has been released.

The Yellow lead connecting a (12volt+) power source to the two way radio power input is a pass through. Using a proprietary current sensing magnetic circuit makes it load free and with no load resistor there is no (power) voltage or current loss for the two way radio.

Eliminates the scanners background audio from being retransmitted by the First Responder, Ham, CB or other two-way radio, or having to reach over to turn the volume down on the scanner when transmitting.

Made In USA

Wiring chart - PDF Directions

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