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ScannerStation Client Recorder
ScannerStation Client Recorder

Product Code: 18-521194

In today's world, just gathering information is not enough. Newspaper, TV and radio stations, traffic reporting services, restoration companies, corporate security, and any business that generates revenue by being the first to know what's happening locally will benefit from ScannerStation Lead Generation and News Gathering Systems. With the power to easily receive, record, and review useful public safety communications at a time and in a place of your convenience, ScannerStation brings the leads and information you need to be one step ahead of the competition.

ScannerStation Systems are both modular and scalable for the most effective means of communication monitoring, which means better information gathering opportunities. By utilizing the most versatile and popular scanners on the market today, the Uniden BCD996XT and Uniden BCT15X, ScannerStation records all received scanner broadcasts in the easiest and most convenient means possible. Stay ahead of the competition by knowing what events are happening in your service area!

Special Features

Staying on top of news and leads has never been easier. Scanner Master ScannerStation Systems come fully equipped with the scanner novice and experienced user in mind. For example:

QuickNames offer immediate access to the agencies you want to monitor. Whether it is fire, police, emergency medical, trains or any combination - go directly to a particular department and receive the information you need quickly and easily; something a scanner alone cannot do.

Tactical Scanning
Tactical Scanning is focused scanning which can be employed during disasters, emergencies, and other major events. This means instantly turning your lead generation system from a communications receiver to a radio information monitoring system targeted to only those broadcasts you want to hear. For example, Scanner Master can prepare your scanner programming to scan in radio broadcasts sent from all departments involved in major events such as a high-speed chase, a massive snow storm, or an incident at a particular airport.

Remote Monitoring

Powered by BuTel Software that is exclusively distributed by Scanner Master, the Uniden BCD996TX and BCT15X scanners can be remotely located and controlled by using our powerful ScannerOverIP technology. Audio streaming to your central office means the leads you need throughout your service area are delivered to you when and where you need it. Along with full scanner control via the web, you can stop on specific frequencies or trunking talkgroups to capture the information critical to your business. Enjoy even more versatility with the ability to program and tune your remote scanners right from your office.

Audio Recording

Concerned that you are missing revenue opportunities overnight? ScannerStation has the answer. With the ability to record all received broadcasts and the associated data, ScannerStation makes it easy to find, listen, and pinpoint the leads you need to grow your business. And you do not have to be a police scanner expert to do it. With its intuitive design, the ScannerStation Control Module means you will spend more time growing your business, not searching and hoping to find opportunities.

Enhanced history logging is available to trace radio communication. Audio can be recorded using the optional recording module. Instant playback is also available*. For more information download the ScannerStation information manual. You may also email Scanner Master at 1-800-SCANNER to discuss setting up a (demo) system for your company.

Free Online Webinar Demonstrating ScannerStation.

ScannerStation highlights:
  • Control up to 8 Uniden BCD996T (or 996XT) or BCT15 (or 15X) scanners in one software package
  • RemoteServer option, install scanners in remote areas. Multiple clients (up to 10) can connect to the server to control the scanner at the same time
  • Recording, record audio from up to 8 scanners (requires additional soundcards like the Delta 1010LT)
  • Tactical event scanning.
* Requires additional software license. Contact Scanner Master at (800) SCANNER or BuTel Software at [email protected] for details.

'ScannerStation' is developed for professional applications, there are many applications possible for example:
  • News and TV media monitoring radio traffic at remote locations
  • Increase interoperability between radio systems o Remote Radio network performance monitoring (analog / trunk / digital APCO25)
  • Public safety - Monitor radio traffic in adjacent Communities
  • Emergency backup in case of disasters
  • Monitor radio traffic in adjacent Communities
  • Law Enforcement
  • Intelligence
  • Anti Terror intelligence
  • Military Improve radio reception performance for radio rooms by placing receivers outside highly populated area's
  • Traffic Reporting Services
  • Insurance Adjusters
Minimum System requirements:

- Win XP/2000/Vista/Windows 7
- Scanning radio Uniden BCD996T (or XT) or Uniden BCT15 (or X)
- LAN/WAN/wireless Ethernet network or internet ( (A)DSL / Cable / T1 / satellite / microwave)
- Soundcard per scanner or multi channel soundcards like the Delta 1010LT.

ScannerStation Server Software Minimum PC Specifications
ScannerStation Troubleshooting
Free Online Webinar Demonstating ScannerStation.
ScannerStation FAQ
ScannerStation Installation at News 12 NY.
Click for larger image.
Software Support Programs & Options

Systems which do not include on-site installation and training
One hour of free phone support
One year free e-mail support
One year free upgrades
Additional phone support: $125/hour (billed in 15 minute increments)

Support Programs for Turnkey Systems Installed by ScannerMaster/BuTel
90 Days free phone Support following installation
90 Days free remote Log-in Support and Administration (with port access)
One Year unlimited e-mail support
One Year free upgrades

Additional Support Options - Balance of Year 1
Unlimited Phone and Remote Log-in Support, 9-months: $1800
Hourly phone and Remote Log-in support: $125/hour (billed in 15 minute increments)

Additional Support Options - Year 2+
Unlimited E-mail Support, 12 month period: $495
Unlimited Phone and Remote Log-in Support, 12 Months (2nd year +)
including free Software Upgrades and Phone/Remote Upgrade Training: $1995
Hourly phone and e-mail support: $125/hour (billed in 15 minute increments)

Consulting, Installation and Customization Services
Consulting Rate: $1250/day; one-half day minimum
Software Customization: Billed at $150/hour or on a per-job basis

Prices subject to change without notice.

Email Scanner Master today or call 1-800-SCANNER to discuss setting up a (demo) system for your company.

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